Kinetic Bonfire Art


Gathering around the fire on Lag Ba’omer, we celebrate the sparks of wisdom revealed by Bar Yochai in the Zohar. Whether it’s a candle, a bonfire, or a fire pit, the flickering lights are like secrete messages from ancient Judean rebels.

This year, bring the spirit of a Lag Ba’Omer bonfire inside your home by creating your own kinetic artwork. Inspired by the work of Israeli artist Yaakov Agam, this optical art piece will glimmer and light up just by moving around it.


Ready to get started?

Follow along to create your own kinetic sculpture!

1 Organize the project supplies.

2 With the illustration facing up, fold the bonfire print along the scored lines to make an accordion fold.

3 With the three ‘A’ pieces, add a dot of glue to both notches at each end.

4 Arrange the ‘A’ pieces as shown. Use the notches to interlock the ‘B’ pieces. Allow glue to dry.

5 Turn assembly over and add a dot of glue to the notches in the middle of the ‘A’ pieces.

6 Interlock part ‘C’ in the middle as shown. Allow glue to dry before turning over.

7 Add a dot of glue to each of the valleys of the ‘A’ pieces.

8 Align and place the folded bonfire print on the structure. Hold in place until dry.

9 Add small amounts of glue to the top of the structure pieces as shown.

10 Along the top and bottom sides of the illustration, add a dot of glue to the top of each peak fold.

11 Align the frame with the structure to glue in place.

12 Hold the frame in place to allow the glue to fully dry.

13 Move around your kinetic artwork to see the magic of the Lag Ba’Omer bonfire.

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