Make a Miracle


Hanukkah celebrates the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days, and is a great opportunity to make a miracle for someone else.

Start a tradition of making a donation in Hanukkah. We’ve included a step by step process to make it easy for you.


Based on this article by Money Prodigy

We’ll cover how to save up money. We encourage to donate a small amount to charities, because even a small amount goes a long way! It is important that your kids can feel the impact of their donation.


1 - Have some money to donate

If your kids don’t have a sum to donate this year, give an example for your kids this year and help them save for next year.

To start your kids saving for next year, either set up two saving jars - one for savings and one for charity, or find a jar with two separate compartments.

Another is to set up a digital app - such as Rooster Money, that allows you separate your account to spendings and donations.


2 - Give $18 or $36

It does not have to be a big amount. It has to be meaningful.

Giving money in multiples of $18 is considered to bring good luck in the Jewish tradition. 18 is equal to 10 (Yud) + 8 (Chet), which spells Chai, or life. 

Make an impact

It’s important to feel the impact of your donation. Below we have a list of donations where a sum as low as $18 CHAI (ח״י) can make a difference. You can also give double CHAI $36