Decorate Cups for Elijah and Miriam


To many, Elijah represents hope and harmony, while Miriam represents virtue and leadership. During the Passover seder, we invite these figures and values into our home.

With this experience, you can transform any cup into a special cup for Elijah and Miriam. Just peel and stick them to a glass of your choice. There’s no adhesive, so they won’t leave a mark.

When it’s time for the Passover Seder, it is customary to fill Elijah’s cup with wine and leave it untouched. For Miriam, we fill her cup with water to symbolize Miriam’s Well, which was a source of water for the Israelis as the wandered in the desert.

Who is elijah?

Elijah is a prophet from the Bible. You can read more about his significance here.

Who is Miriam?

Miriam is the sister of Moses. You can read more about her contributions here.