The 7 Species of Israel


On Tu B’Shvat, it is customary to enjoy fruits of all kinds, especially those native to Israel. Many celebrate by preparing foods that incorporate the Seven Species of Israel:


As a food staple that nourishes the body, what can be used to symbolize the power of kindness.


Barley is an “all-purpose” crop that can withstand anything Mother Nature throws at it. In Israel, barley comes predominately from the south, where it thrives in the arid and hot climate of the Negev desert.


Figs take longer than three months to fully ripen on the tree! Because of this, some consider figs to be a symbol of endurance.


Grapes allow us to make wine, which is often used to mark the beginning of a Jewish holiday with happiness.


Some say that pomegranates grow with their own tiny corns, representing majesty and glory. Others suggest that each pomegranate contains 613 seeds, the same number of commandments in the Torah.


Due to their sweet texture and flavor, dates are used as a symbol for sweetness. They ripen at the end of summer and can be used to produce a sweet honey.


As in the olden days, olives are harvested by laying netting on the ground and combing the olives off the branches—a time-consuming method—but one that has a higher yield than others. The flesh of the olives is crushed to extract the oil, while the seeds are separated.