
Shabbat in a Boxâ„¢

Everything you need to celebrate the holiday with your family! Each box includes a guide to the holiday, 2-4 fun experiences, and so much more..


Build your own Shabbat experience

  • Welcome Shabbat with Candles

    A few minutes before sunset on Friday night, we welcome Shabbat by lighting two candles and saying a special blessing.

  • Bless The Wine and Challah

    After the candles are lit on Friday night, we begin the ceremonial meal by making blessings over the wine (kiddush) and challah (hamotzi).

  • Rest and Relax

    Shabbat is a day to take a break from the busy week. People honor this special day in many different ways. Some celebrate with family time, some visit cultural institutions, and others use the day for reflection.